Seven Seconds to the Apocalypse, a political thriller. Sofia: Paradox Publishing House, 1996.            Hell at Heaven’s Door, a political thriller. Sofia: Bulgarian Writer Publishing House, 1999.            Under Tariff 38, a satire. Sofia:  Literaturen Forum Publishing House, 2000.            The Secret Power of the Harem, released by Tenth Street Press, an independent Australian publisher, 2014           

Chavdar wrote his first novel “The Mystery of the Desolate House” as a very young child. In the novel he described how a several vigilant kids succeeded in uncovering an evil conspiracy by a group of subversives, who were trying to sabotage the everyday working activities of the people of socialist Bulgaria.

With his next novel “The Dead Men Cave”, the high school student Chavdar made a futile attempt to start the horror genre in Bulgaria.

As a university student Chavdar wrote “By the Seaside”, a novel about the lack of direction and the wanderings of the young people in the ‘developed socialism’ period.

The innocent readers’ luck did not allow those three novels, together with a dozen of short stories, to see the light of day and now they are gathering dust in the drawers of a beat up desk in Chavdar’s parents’ home.

Chavdar’s rocky road as a publishing author began when he had already reached the age of Jesus. For now the list consists of three novels, published in Bulgaria and one in Australia.



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